Posts made in June, 2014

Want more business? Go local!

Want more business? Go local!

By on Jun 30, 2014 in Podcast | 0 comments

Mark Chyz and I discuss how you can use local marketing to get big results. This week I interview Mark Chyz of CM2 Media (one of The Niche Agent’s partners) and we discuss the importance of using localized marketing strategies for your real estate niche.  We delve into usable on-line marketing strategies that agents can apply to their business. With so many take aways from this episode, some of the important topics we cover are: the future of on-line marketing, mobile marketing strategies and SEO best practices for your niches. Another strategy we discuss is guerilla marketing and we give you some practical tips that will help you actually reach your audience. If you are looking to ramp up your on-line and localized marketing game, then this is an episode for you. Be sure to check out what Mark is up to with his company CM2 Media and reach out to him for your localized marketing needs. Listen/Download Audio File Here: The Niche Agent - With Guest Mark Chyz of CM2 Media (Episode 25) [ 31:54 ] Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (1922) (To save, hit download, then right click on the screen and hit save as…)         Watch The Youtube Version Here:       About Our Guest Mark Chyz is the president and owner of CM2 Media. They are a service based agency that will help your business get noticed! They specialize in web design, graphic design and video production. At Cm2 Media they believe your business should be measured by how well it performs.  Every client is unique. Every client has their own history, circumstance and ambition. Every client deserves attention to the details that lead to a successful future. Passion, inspiration, creativity & expertise drive the production of their work. CM2 Media strives to create original & outstanding design across a wide range of print and digital media. Brand/logo design, advertising, brochures, websites, illustration, trade-show displays, PPT and Flash presentations, business cards & stationery are some examples of the diverse range of work they produce.   Don’t forget to check out CM2 Media and like the Facebook page as well:  Or call Mark directly at 519-981-3090   To you and your niche,   Ryan Smith – The...

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Niche Marketing Tune-Up

Niche Marketing Tune-Up

By on Jun 27, 2014 in Blog | 13 comments

Does your niche need a tune-up?   If you have ever worked on cars, or even driven one that hasn’t been tuned-up in a while, you probably understand the importance of an engine tune-up. Not only does a properly tuned engine keep things running smooth, it saves you money, stops your engine from breaking down, and increases the longevity of your car.   With all the intricate “moving parts” of your niche real estate business, have you ever stopped to do a tune-up?   If you are new to the business, a tune-up might be a little premature, but if you have been in the business for a year or longer, you may want to consider giving your systems, goals and marketing an overhaul.   Goals So where do you start? What is worth tuning-up? That depends… The first thing I would look at is your goals vs your actual achievement. Many times agents either over shoot on their goals. Is it possible to do 50 deals in your first year? Sure it is, is it realistic? Maybe. There are some superstars who have pulled it off, but it takes a LOT of work, and dedication and isn’t something that many agents pull off in their first year. What’s more common is agents who under shoot their goal. You may have said it yourself, you may have heard it before: “Well, if I could just do 5 or 6 deals this year, I’d be happy with that!” Setting the bar low is something that doesn’t need to happen. (Especially if you are focused on growing your business and are truly dedicated to learning the business) So don’t sell yourself short, rethink your goals and create a new game plan.   Systems Systems are another area that agents tend to overlook. The systems that get you to 10 deals are not the same systems that get you to 50 deals, or 100 or 500. If you are new to the real estate world, you may be setting yourself up for future failure by not putting the right systems in place from the beginning. Take a look at your business right now and do a self-assessment on your systems. Are there any systems in your real estate business that are...

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Maintaining Your Focus

Maintaining Your Focus

By on Jun 26, 2014 in Blog | 0 comments

An Article for “The Niche Agent” By Mark Chyz | President Cm2 Media Whether you are niche marketing in real estate, or in any other field, the sole greatest tip one must utilize is “MAINTAIN YOUR FOCUS.” In today’s social media, SEM, SEO world, it is very easy to get caught in the trap of trying to do too much. Listening to the many opinions about where you should be, who you should be marketing to, and what sites you should be on, will only lead to a mess of “too little… all over the place.” To be good in your craft of niche marketing, you must establish your niche, and stick with it. Here is a short list of tips for you to follow if you are taking on a new business venture, or getting started in online advertising and social media: Before taking on any new business venture, you must develop a plan with some thought, and research. When developing your plan, always keep in mind that there are only so many dollars, and so much time. Establish a focus of your target group and go with it. Results may not be immediate, but developing yourself within the niche is critical. A brand cannot be created without exposure. Don’t look for every single dollar to generate another one in return in the beginning.   With startup businesses, or those new to the social media and online advertising world, we usually get them focused on 1-2 social media sites and begin with only one advertising campaign. This eliminates confusion, allows a focus and most importantly, begins to track real data, so you can use it for a purpose. If you don’t know what you are doing, or spread yourself too thin, you will waste many of those dollars on clicks that have little to no impact. If you like what you have read, and have some questions, don’t hesitate to email me at We enjoy helping businesses grow!   By Mark Chyz | President Cm2...

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Do Referrals Just Happen?

Do Referrals Just Happen?

By on Jun 23, 2014 in Podcast | 0 comments

No! And Michael J. Maher shows you what you can do about it… This week I interview the amazing  Michael J. Maher about his love and passion of referrals. Michael has been called “The Most Referred Agent In The World”, so when he speaks about referrals, you listen! Michael and I go deep into what a referral is, how do you get them, and how to build your business around them. We do a bit of a role play session where Michael actually digs deep into how he can help me grow The Niche Agent and how he can help give referrals. In return, he shares amazing scripts that you can use TODAY to build your referral business.  We had a lot of fun recording this episode, but its jam packed with a ton of amazing insights and helpful information from the referral specialist himself! 🙂  I made a promise to Michael on the show that I would help him hit his goal for referrals, so as loyal Niche Agent listeners and a thank you for being on the show, Michael is doing a FREE webinar for you! Referral Guru Discloses Secrets to REALLY Getting 100s of Referrals Every Year Referral Guru and #1 Bestselling Author, Michael J. Maher discloses the secrets to getting 100’s of referrals every year. As North America’s Most Referred Real Estate Professional, Maher shares his best strategies and many of these will positively shock you. You will learn the first step to getting massive amounts of referrals. Learn the truth about databases, and how to orchestrate referral conversations and referral opportunities.   Just head over to  and register, as its only a couple days away! (Plus you get  The Housewarming Party System for FREE(a nearly $500 value) for REGISTERING!  Listen/Download Audio File Here: The Niche Agent - With Guest Michael J. Maher (Epsiode 24) [ 40:10 ] Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (2039) (To save, hit download, then right click on the screen and hit save as…)         Watch The Youtube Version Here:       About Our Guest “America’s Most Referred Real Estate Professional”, Michael J. Maher is dedicated to helping agents earn a better living and live a better life. He...

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What Niche Marketing is NOT!

What Niche Marketing is NOT!

By on Jun 20, 2014 in Blog | 0 comments

What do you think about when you think of Niche Marketing? We all have an image or an idea of what it means to us, but have you ever stopped to think about what it ISN’T? What Niche Marketing is NOT! Niche marketing is not about trying to sell homes everyone out there. As a single agent or even small team, not only could you not afford that kind of budget, but you wouldn’t have the time to service the clients effectively. It’s just not possible!! But if you truly understand real estate niche marketing, you can begin to sell to a smaller, more targeted and effective market. You can get started doing this in today’s market with only a computer, an Internet connection and a good idea!   Niche marketing is NOT about trying to compete Why do you throw yourself into the pack of wolves we call your competition? It’s fierce, ugly and dangerous. If you understand the concepts of niche marketing you can move into a competition free market (Or at least learn to crush any potential competition). When you create your own market, you aren’t lined up next to your competition and ordered to compete; you are in a class of your own.  If done correctly it should be just you selling to a specific audience that you have created. This will result in higher profits, easier sales and less hassle.   Niche marketing is NOT about selling to every type of client Once you have figured out who your audience is going to be, you focus on building your ideal list. Then you can market to these people over and over again if it’s the right fit for them. You don’t need to be constantly looking for the next new client to pay your bills. A properly built list of a targeted audience will provide you more than enough income to meet your needs. It just takes time and strategic moves.   Niche marketing is NOT about focusing on the big picture Don’t worry! There is plenty of pie to go around. Don’t focus your energy and efforts on trying to get your hands in every area. When you focus on a smaller area ensures you become...

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