This week I interview the one and only Barry Lebow!!! If you don’t know him, you should! 🙂  Very few people have seen and done what Barry Lebow has! As a 46 year vet to the industry, there aren’t many who can hold a candle to his wealth of experience and knowledge. In this weeks episode I get a chance to chat with Barry about some of the niches he has worked over the years and how he has used niche’s to catapult his business to high levels of success. If you would like to learn from one the best, then you need not look any further.  With over 20 North American credentials under his belt, and the founder of The Accredited Seniors Agent designation, its no wonder this guy is so highly sought after. Listen to this weeks episode and let us know what you think. Listen/Download Audio File Here: The Niche Agent - With Guest Barry Lebow (Episode 7) [ 30:01 ] Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (1852) (To save, hit download, then right click on the screen and hit save as…) Watch The Youtube Version Here:  Barry Lebow, FRI, CRF, Master ASA, ASA, SRES, ABR, IFAS, CERC Broker, RE/MAX Ultimate Realty Inc. Brokerage, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Professional Land Economist, Arbitrator and Mediator A recognized leader in professional real estate Barry is focussed on working with  families with senior moves, downsizing, estates, difficult situations inclusive of divorce. Due to the nature of his business, he covers all of the Greater Toronto Area. Barry Lebow is one of Canada’s best known real estate personalities. Starting in 1968, Barry has earned 20 recognized North American professional designations in real estate and is the founder of the Accredited Senior Agent program for Canadian Realtors. He has been honored for his community work. He is founder, New Leadership, State of Israel Bonds, past president, Toronto Freedom Lodge, B’nai Brith Canada, former national director, B’nai Brith Canada. He has raised funds or volunteered for many charities, Big Brothers/Sisters, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), OneMoreWear and many others. To you and your niche,  Ryan Smith – The Niche Agent (P.S. If...
Read MoreThis week we have an agricultural/farm specialist Kevin Avery on the show. In this week’s episode I interview Kevin Avery of Century 21 in the Kawartha Lakes area. Kevin is an agent by day, and a farmer at heart. His love for agriculture has driven his business to great lengths. Farms can be one of the most intricate and complex types of transactions in the real estate world. Listen to our episode this week to hear some insider tips on how Kevin runs his business. As part of The Niche Agents mandate, it’s important to understand how others run their business. Even if you aren’t interested in learning to sell agricultural properties, you can still learn some valuable takeaways from this interview. Listen/Download Audio File Here: The Niche Agent - With Guest Kevin Avery (Episode 6) [ 29:20 ] Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (1150) (To save, hit download, then right click on the screen and hit save as…) Watch The Youtube Version Here: Kevin started his Real Estate career at the age of 21 and has been a full time Sales Representative in the Kawartha Lakes for 20 years. Kevin is the Team Leader of TEAM AVERY, and is an instinctive leader with the ability to inspire and motivate his Team. He enjoys working on deals that are challenging and feels that the art of sales only starts with the word “no” if every deal were easy there would be 10 times more realtors in the business! Kevin hasn’t ‘worked’ a single day in his Real Estate life, because he has a real passion for his work and he loves his career, “it sure doesn’t feel like work!” Kevin is a farm and rural property specialist, and a trusted and greatly respected member of the Real Estate community in Kawartha Lakes and beyond and ensures that client satisfaction is his Team’s top priority. Kevin Has 2 boys and a girl and sells real estate with his partner Katelyn Lowes, they have a small farm on the edge of Lindsay where they grow, Speckle Park Cattle, and raise hormone, anti-biotic and gmo free beef and pork. You can find out what Kevin is up to...
Read MoreThe Niche Agent is proud to have our next guest Jeff Thibodeau of Re/Max in Brantford Ontario. We interviewed Jeff Thibodeau because of his unique (and highly effective) approach on facebook. Be sure to check out this weeks episode to find out what Jeff and his team are doing with the extremely popular Facebook group We Love Brantford. Jeff and I talk about some of the inexpensive and easily attainable marketing techniques he uses to grow his online presence on Facebook. Jeff has been a full-time Realtor since 2008 and prides himself of always offering the latest tools in property marketing to his valued clients. As Team Leader Jeff is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Brantford Homes Team and he personally oversees each and every transaction to ensure amazing customer service; and the results his clients have come to expect. Jeff’s educational background is in computer programming and systems analysis and his resume includes over 10 years as Project Manager in a boutique Market Research firm. This experience gives Jeff the tools to accurately analyze the local market place and help his clients make smart real estate decisions. If you would like to learn some of these techniques and how you can leverage facebook to grow a raving fan base and become the “go to” person in your community then you are not going to want to miss this episode. Listen/Download Audio File Here: The Niche Agent - With Guest Jeff Thibodeau (Episode 5) [ 31:30 ] Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (281) (To save, hit download, then right click on the screen and hit save as…) Watch The Youtube Version Here: You can connect with Jeff Thibodeau on website at And check out his Facebook page we talk about at If you haen’t yet, be sure to get your copy of The Niche Agents eBook “101 Real Estate Niche Markets” at To you and your niche,  Ryan Smith – The Niche Agent (P.S. If you like this episode and would like to learn more about the Niche Agent or just stay on top of what is happening on the program, be sure to sign up for the...
Read MoreWe want to welcome our next guest to The Niche Agent – Chuck Charlton of Royal LePage in Milton. Melissa And Chuck Charlton were born in the Greater Toronto area, got married in 2004, and moved out to Milton a year later. Not knowing anybody, and dipping $40,000 in debt to start their business in an area where they didn’t know a single person, they became an immediate success and paid off the loan by the end of the year. Since then, Melissa And Chuck Charlton have helped more than 1,200 people, and have become nationally recognized as teachers and leaders in the industry, guest speaking at events in Las Vegas, San Diego, Phoenix, Orlando and Toronto. Chuck is the host of a five-days-a-week listing review video blog called Milton Daily Homes, and he sends more than 2 million emails per year. The blog generates one to three new clients a week and a $15-to-1 return on each dollar spent on marketing. Chuck was a fantastic guest on The Niche Agent so check it out to learn some of the insider secrets Chuck and his team are using to take over his market. Listen/Download Audio File Here: The Niche Agent - With Guest Chuck Charlton (Episode 4) [ 36:44 ] Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (322) (To save, hit download, then right click on the screen and hit save as…) Watch The Youtube Version Here: You can connect with Melissa And Chuck Charlton on their website at If you haen’t yet, be sure to get your copy of The Niche Agents eBook “101 Real Estate Niche Markets” at To you and your niche,  Ryan Smith – The Niche Agent (P.S. If you like this episode and would like to learn more about the Niche Agent or just stay on top of what is happening on the program, be sure to sign up for the Niche Agent Insiders club at (P.S.S. In case you haven’t got your copy yet, make sure you get your copy of the “101 Real Estate Niche Markets” eBook we created...
Read MoreWe want to welcome our third guest to The Niche Agent Ronn James of Stonemill Realty. Ronn James is not your average realtor! With more than 28 years experience in real estate and mortgage management, Ronn is widely recognized as a leading advocate on the fundamentals, strategies and techniques of buying and selling residential real estate. Ronn is a frequent guest on popular TV shows such as Breakfast Televsion and Cityline, and hosts his own segment on the CTS Network program Real Life with Sharon Caddy. Host of both Open House Real Estate Radio and Full Contact Real Estate Radio on internet radio, Ronn has also been a regular contributor to New Homes and Condos For Sale magazine, the Toronto Sun and Canadian Homeplanner, and co-authored the groundbreaking book Real Estate Agent Inc. – The Book That Makes You Think. Listen/Download Audio File Here: The Niche Agent - With Guest Ronn James (Episode 3) [ 44:30 ] Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (254) (To save, hit download, then right click on the screen and hit save as…) Watch The Youtube Version Here: You can connect with Ronn on his websites at If you haen’t yet, be sure to get your copy of The Niche Agents eBook “101 Real Estate Niche Markets” at To you and your niche,  Ryan Smith – The Niche Agent (P.S. If you like this episode and would like to learn more about the Niche Agent or just stay on top of what is happening on the program, be sure to sign up for the Niche Agent Insiders club at (P.S.S. In case you haven’t got your copy yet, make sure you get your copy of the “101 Real Estate Niche Markets” eBook we created...
Read MoreWelcome back to Episode 2 of The Niche Agent with James Festini! I want to introduce our second guest James Festini of Century 21 in Southern California. Being a mega agent, James walks the walk and talks the talk. He is a top producer and has the numbers to show it. In the last few years he has taken his skills of cold calling and transferred them to door knocking and has really mastered the art. Listen to the podcast and get some tips and insight from James on door knocking for business.  If you would like to incorporate door knocking into your business, then this episode is a must for you!  Listen/Download Audio File Here: The Niche Agent - With Guest James Festini (Episode 2) [ 22:21 ] Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (295) (To save, hit download, then right click on the screen and hit save as…)  Watch The Youtube Version Here:  James Festini described himself “I’m a REALTOR®, writer, runner, musician, father & husband. I push myself to improve & enjoy sharing this journey via Audio Podcasts, YouTube videos & blogging”  You can connect with James on twitter @JamesFestini or check out his website at And be sure to listen to his podcast “Your First Day In Real Estate” on iTunes.   If you haen’t yet, be sure to get your copy of The Niche Agents eBook “101 Real Estate Niche Markets” at   To you and your niche,  Ryan Smith – The Niche Agent (P.S. If you like this episode and would like to learn more about the Niche Agent or just stay on top of what is happening on the program, be sure to sign up for the Niche Agent Insiders club at (P.S.S. In case you haven’t got your copy yet, make sure you get your copy of the “101 Real Estate Niche Markets” eBook we created at
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