You have heard me preach over and over again, choose a target market. This isn’t going to be any different. Successful agents who want to get control of their business, spend less money, time and energy know that a niche market is one of the best ways to achieve all this. But before you just jump right in and start spending money and time, it’s important that you ask yourself these 10 critical questions BEFORE you select your target market. This will help you not only find the right market, but also help you get your services into the right hands sooner, with less hassle and more effectively. 1) Who is my target market? What can I find out about them? What is their age, income, occupation? You want to look for measurable stats. This will help you get a better handle on who you are working with. 2) What is their lifestyle? What are they into? What do they do for fun? What type of music are they into? Etc. By knowing what they are into, you can get a better idea of what makes them tick, and this will also give you opportunities to reach them. 3) Can I see myself working with this group? Just because it may be a profitable group to target, is it going to be a demographic you want to spend your time with? Just remember, when you are committed to mastering your niche, you are going to be spending a lot of time with these people so make sure you are prepared. 4) Do you have any “ins” with this group? Are you part of their demographic? Do you have any connections with the group? If you have an “in” with the right target audience, then it can speed up the connection process, and give you opportunities that other agents may not have. 5) What organizations are they part of? Are they part of any social clubs, organizations, and groups? If you can’t get in from a connection of yours, sometimes being part of the same organizations as your target market can pay off. Plus it may give you a chance to give back...
Read MoreThat’s what Jill Price has done! She’s mastered the waterfront niche and has made it her own… This week I interview Jill Price about her amazing track record of selling waterfront properties. Jill has had an incredible career and has learned to master her market. Jill shares some of the strategies she uses to get in front of her potential sellers and how she’s built a solid referral base from agents and we talk about her use of social media and how she’s leveraged it grow her business. She has really learned to combine her love of waterfront homes/cottages and combined it with her love of real estate. Check out this weeks episode of The Niche Agent and find out how you could mix your love and passion and build your real estate business around it like Jill did. Listen/Download Audio File Here: The Niche Agent - With Guest Jill Price (Episode 22) [ 25:46 ] Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (1899) (To save, hit download, then right click on the screen and hit save as…) Watch The Youtube Version Here: Jill has been selling real estate for 10 years and has received the prestigious 100% award every year since joining RE/MAX. In 2013, she also received the Hall of Fame Award, recognizing her sales volume over the years. Previous to getting her real estate license she obtained an Honours Bachelor of Arts Degree in Sociology from Trent University. She has lived and worked in the Bancroft and Peterborough areas, and is VERY knowledgeable on the lakes and everything the area has to offer. She is well recognized for marketing and selling waterfront properties and also deals with residential and commercial properties. She has a HUGE presence in social media and a vast number of followers on Facebook and Twitter. Jill has developed a vast network of other Realtors all across Canada who trust her with their referrals and a large percentage of her business is established through this Referral Network that she has created. Jill is an Accredited Senior Agent with the Accredited Senior Agent Society which qualifies her to properly counsel senior citizens during real estate transactions. Less than 1 % of...
Read MoreHere Are 7 Simple Ways To Make It Happen… So, you found your niche, you built your niche website, you got your marketing done and you even have people visiting the site! (You are doing better than most agents already!) But you quickly realize that once a visitor comes to the site, they aren’t coming back even though you are updating it with new info and providing great content. How the heck do you get those people who have been to your site and already know what you are about to come back? First, you need to accept that not everyone will be coming back. Don’t let it bother you, that’s just the nature of the beast. Once you accept that and are prepared to do whatever it takes to get as many coming back as you can, you can now start to create systems to ensure you get the most bang-for-your-buck. Now keep in mind, just because they return, doesn’t make them customers or even potential customers. So how do you ensure customers are going to come back to your site? Let me say this, if you are reading this, chances are you are probably a returning visitor to The Niche Agent. (if you aren’t you need to come back for more great info!) And chances are you are probably someone in my target audience. (An agent who is looking to find/master their niche market) And if you have been around long enough, you probably will have seen me use at least ONE of these seven helpful tips to get people back to The Niche Agent. 1) Make Your Site Relevant Most people are searching online for information NOT an agent! That may come as a shock to some of you, but the sooner you realize this, the sooner you are on your way to success. You need to provide quality content that matters to your consumer. Keeping them up to date with the latest news, a hot story, relevant tips etc can all be part of your tactics to get your customers to keep coming back. If you are creating content that is useful, make sure there is some value to...
Read MoreVirginia Munden did last year… Listen to the episode and find out how she turned Facebook into a goldmine! I had the privilege of interviewing Virginia Munden for The Niche Agent. Virginia and I discussed some of the strategies she and her husband Wayne use on their team that generated them 36 referrals and over $360k+ last year in closed business from facebook alone! Virginia is a pioneer in the social media world and has really learned to leverage her time and resources to turn her love of connecting and engaging with people and mixing it with proven marketing strategies to grow their team to consistently be one of the top teams at RE/MAX. In this episode we talk about the “social media world” and what it means for agents and how you can use it to thrive and stand out. Being authentic is one of the major platforms Virginia’s team is built on and you can see it come through in her passion for our industry and for her clients. She also shares how their team has build a solid pipeline of referrals from agents as well as from their database and what that means for their business. If you like making money (and I know you do, or else you wouldn’t be following this podcast), then you won’t want to miss this episode. Listen/Download Audio File Here: The Niche Agent - With Guest Virginia Munden (Episode 21) The One About Facebook Referrals [ 33:40 ] Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (2108) (To save, hit download, then right click on the screen and hit save as…) Watch The Youtube Version Here: Being Relevant, Authentic, Competent and Transparent in this ever – changing Real Estate Landscape, can be quite challenging. Being true to your purpose and intention will guide you with your vision to serve people in their quest for Home Ownership. Meeting people on the On – Line Social Space is paramount and is considered a profitable stream in Geo – Farming or Lead Generation Strategies. The key is how to take these relationships from the OLS, On – Line Space to OLR, Off – Line Reality to create, convert and close. Leads are...
Read MoreHow much are newsletters worth? Linda Schneider and I discuss the value and importance of newsletters for your real estate business. As a business coach, I can tell you that one of the things many agents struggle with is constant and consistent communication with their past clients and sphere. One of the best ways to do that is with a monthly newsletter. Linda, the newsletter Goddess (my words!), shares her insight and years of experience with newsletters. We discuss the importance of a properly crafted newsletter and the value it can bring to your business. If you aren’t using a newsletter in your business, you should. Its a very simple and effective approach to growing your business and getting more referrals. Who should you send it too? What kind of content should you have? Should you use an online newsletter or a hard copy? Listen in and find out Linda’s advice. There is so much valuable information in this episode you won’t want to miss! We also have an awesome opportunity for all of The Niche Agent listeners, Linda has agreed to give away 2, full year subscriptions to her insanely valuable newletter services to 2 lucky winners. All you have to do is go to the site and check out the newletter template and let her know you heard about it on The Niche Agent. Two winners will get this awesome service for free. And if you don’t win… Buy it anyways. Its incredibly valuable and very inexpensive. Check it out here: Listen/Download Audio File Here: The Niche Agent - With Guest Linda Schneider (Episode 20) [ 34:02 ] Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (1875) (To save, hit download, then right click on the screen and hit save as…) Watch The Youtube Version Here: Linda Schneider is a strategic thinker and innovative Training & Development professional with 20 years of high productivity in multiple environments. In her past she has designed and delivered dynamic large-scale seminars, webinars, and classroom training for international audience of real estate agents, financial planners, and insurance agents. Some of her past job roles include: Developed courses in business acumen, lead generation, sales skills, marketing and transaction...
Read MoreThink meeting a woman at a bar can change your career? It sure did for Kevin Baker! You are probably wondering what the heck I’m talking about… Kevin Baker shares his story how meeting a woman at a bar not only changed his business, but changed his life. After realizing that people couldn’t find him on Google, Kevin set out to change that. He learned how to use online SEO and other marketing ideas to grow his business. We talk about his big “Ah-ha” when he learned to combine direct response marketing with online tools to put his business on auto pilot. Learning to generate business while in your sleep is the dream of most agents, and Kevin has created a system that is generating him hot leads and a lot of business from this tactic. He found out 50 percent of his business came from a few condo buildings in his area online. This was the big eye opener for him and his business. Listen to this episode to hear some of the insights and valuable take-aways that Kevin and I discuss in this weeks episode. Listen/Download Audio File Here: The Niche Agent - With Guest Kevin Baker (Episode 19) [ 32:45 ] Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (1820) (To save, hit download, then right click on the screen and hit save as…) Watch The Youtube Version Here: Being a Realtor since 2001, Kevin’s business has steadily grown to what is now a thriving group of individuals able to fulfill every clients needs. Specializing in residential and residential investment property, Kevin has also surrounded himself with a great team of individuals that can handle leasing, commercial as well as all facets of residential real estate. With his customized marketing plan, Kevin covers all the bases by providing print, direct mail and an extensive online marketing package that is second to none. Through social networking, blogging, etc he is able to drive traffic to his sites to give his sellers ultimate exposure for their property. You can check out what Kevin is up to on his site at or find him on Facebook at or on Twitter at @KevinBakerRealEstate To you...
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