How To Hook Up Online! (Keep Reading…)

By on Aug 1, 2014 in Blog | 0 comments

Wait wait wait… I know what you’re thinking. I don’t mean THAT kind of hooking up! This is a business article. (If you want to hook up online that way I’m sure there are other blogs and websites out there for you haha) What I’m talking about is creating relationships with other real estate agents and business owners by using online “tools”. This type of “hooking up” is a tactic that can push your niche real estate business to long-term success.


online networking the niche agentThere is a belief that if you get online and meet more and more people online, the bigger your database will be and the more homes sales you will get. And to be honest, that is partially true. But just trying to mass convert people can be a nightmare and very ineffective.


For those of you who don’t know my story, I moved to the Durham Region a few years ago and I wanted to reach as many people as I could in the shortest amount of time. I figured I would go add random people on Facebook in the area and just build my list one person at a time. I thought this would be a great approach to grow my real estate business.  I learned very quickly that this was not a very efficient approach and took a lot of time and energy.


Connect offline the niche agentSo what did I do? I quickly learned that I needed to connect with other business owners in the area. I started a blog shortly after I moved to the area called 52 Things To Do In Durham Region. I began blogging on a weekly basis about things going on in the area. I talked about events, great local businesses, exciting touristy things to try and so on. Then I started reaching out to local business owners to feature them on my blog. This was a game changer for me. But the important part was I unplugged from online and went out and met people in real life!


When I moved to the area I knew basically 3 people. Within 6 months of running my blog I had a big list on my Facebook, countless coffee’s with local business owners and a ton of connections. This one project got me incredibly connected in the area. I got on TV, in newspapers and magazines; I was asked to speak at local events and was introduced to some very important people in the community. And it all started by connecting with the local businesses.


When I met with them, I wasn’t looking to make a sale, or push a product or service on them, it was just to meet other like-minded people and offer ways I could help THEM!


4 Ways To Attract The Right People To Your Network

If you are already using online strategies to network, you’re already on your way! Here are a few tips I have discovered through my experiences:


1)      Don’t Just Target Anyone!

target marketing the niche agentSome people think having a massive database of online contacts is the way to go. But I’m sure you know, your time is valuable. Choose a target market to go after and make sure you stick to it. (Kinda the premise of The Niche Agent…) Join the groups and forums that your target groups will most likely belong to so you don’t waste your time (or theirs). And be on the lookout for the “get rich quick” crowd. You want to run a serious real estate business and make serious relationships, not be part of some sleazy sales schemes.


2)      Don’t Jump The Gun!

A mistake a lot of agents make (and I did myself as well) is they blab about wanting to partner with someone on a first “date”… Take it slow, get to know the other business owners and see if you think you would work well together. If you build a relationship with this person and feel you can work well together and both help each other THEN pursue it.


3)      Share What You Know And Learn What You Don’t

If you are willing to share, others will be willing to share as well. You have your own experiences and talents, and others can use them. So if you make yourself available to others, they will be willing to do the same. As we all know, the learning curve speeds up when you learn from others mistakes and experiences. That is why I started The Niche Agent. I can learn from the guests, and so can you. No need to re-invent the wheel!


4)      Imagine Your Competitors As Partners

CompetitionA lot of agents come from a mindset of lack rather than abundance and put up walls and get cut throat when it comes to competitors. In most industries, there is enough pie to go around. Plus, if you have built your real estate business by targeting a thriving niche (like we have been teaching!), you will have less competition and more pie for yourself. Plus, sometimes you can partner with others who are in similar markets and work on projects together. You both have the same target audience, and if your product or service is different enough, it could be a right fit to work together. Don’t have a closed mind!


Bottom Line is…

I always stand by the Golden Rule. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” When it comes to networking and meeting people, this couldn’t apply more. Treat others with respect, don’t push real estate business down their throats, offer to help where you can, listen patiently and have fun!


Now go get your slice of the pie, but help serve someone else theirs first!





To you and your niche,


Ryan Smith – The Niche Agent


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