The Niche Agent – With Guest Linda Schneider (Episode 20)
How much are newsletters worth? Linda Schneider and I discuss the value and importance of newsletters for your real estate business.
As a business coach, I can tell you that one of the things many agents struggle with is constant and consistent communication with their past clients and sphere. One of the best ways to do that is with a monthly newsletter.
Linda, the newsletter Goddess (my words!), shares her insight and years of experience with newsletters.
We discuss the importance of a properly crafted newsletter and the value it can bring to your business. If you aren’t using a newsletter in your business, you should. Its a very simple and effective approach to growing your business and getting more referrals.
Who should you send it too? What kind of content should you have? Should you use an online newsletter or a hard copy? Listen in and find out Linda’s advice. There is so much valuable information in this episode you won’t want to miss!
We also have an awesome opportunity for all of The Niche Agent listeners, Linda has agreed to give away 2, full year subscriptions to her insanely valuable newletter services to 2 lucky winners. All you have to do is go to the site and check out the newletter template and let her know you heard about it on The Niche Agent. Two winners will get this awesome service for free. And if you don’t win… Buy it anyways. Its incredibly valuable and very inexpensive. Check it out here:
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The Niche Agent - With Guest Linda Schneider (Episode 20) [ 34:02 ] Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (1867)
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Linda Schneider is a strategic thinker and innovative Training & Development professional with 20 years of high productivity in multiple environments. In her past she has designed and delivered dynamic large-scale seminars, webinars, and classroom training for international audience of real estate agents, financial planners, and insurance agents.
Some of her past job roles include:
Developed courses in business acumen, lead generation, sales skills, marketing and transaction management. Managed training schedules, internal communications, needs analysis, and staff training. Align with leadership to define long-term goals, translate business issues and performance gaps into training and organizational strategy. Design and develop dynamic training programs that engage the adult learner through gaming, scaffolding, and experiential learning. Training in-house and external trainers. Incremental implementation and use of blended–learning that impacts ROI quickly.
If you would like to check out Linda’s AMAZING newsletter service, you can check it out at ( I highly recommend it as I use it myself.
To you and your niche,
Ryan Smith – The Niche Agent
(P.S. In case you haven’t got your copy yet, make sure you get your copy of the “101 Real Estate Niche Markets” eBook we created at )
(P.S.S. If you like this episode and would like to learn more about the Niche Agent or just stay on top of what is happening on the program, be sure to sign up for the Niche Agent Insiders club at