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Niche Marketing – It Starts With Questions!

Niche Marketing – It Starts With Questions!

By on Nov 14, 2013 in Featured In, Focus, Geographic | 0 comments

When I am doing my speaking and training sessions I always get a lot of the same questions and concerns. One thing that always intrigues my students is the importance of finding and mastering their niche in real estate. It’s one of the most misunderstood concepts and underutilized methods for success, but also one of the most successful (when done correctly!). Do you think asking the right questions might help?   If you have had questions about focusing on targeted niche market in your real estate business, here are a few questions that may help you dive a little deeper:   “Where” Questions   Where do you connect with your community? Where are you most credible? Where is there the greatest need coupled with the greatest appreciation for your work? Where do the people who need your work most often have breakdowns that would cause them to hire you?   “Who” Questions   Who is naturally drawn to you and to your work? Who could you see yourself working with on a regular basis? Who do you think would be an ideal candidate that makes logical sense for you to work with? Who has had struggles that similar to yours that you have overcome? Whose language do you speak? Whose concerns can you reliably anticipate and address? Whom is it easy for you to serve?   “Knowing and using your strengths is critical to your success when developing your niche strategy”   When you use your strengths in your real estate business, it helps you not only find the right niche market for you, but it also allows you to refine the right market and the best plan of attack for you.   We have all heard of the concept of “farming” in real estate… That is no different than mastering your real estate niche. Once you find your market (your farm), you begin to plant seeds. As these seeds start to grow, you watch for and tend to the strongest seeds. You remove the ones that aren’t performing and keep the ones that are. As your “niche garden” grows, you continue to prune until you begin to collect your harvest (Business!) Each seed gives you the opportunity to...

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