Want to make $360,000+ a year from Facebook?
Virginia Munden did last year… Listen to the episode and find out how she turned Facebook into a goldmine!
I had the privilege of interviewing Virginia Munden for The Niche Agent. Virginia and I discussed some of the strategies she and her husband Wayne use on their team that generated them 36 referrals and over $360k+ last year in closed business from facebook alone!
Virginia is a pioneer in the social media world and has really learned to leverage her time and resources to turn her love of connecting and engaging with people and mixing it with proven marketing strategies to grow their team to consistently be one of the top teams at RE/MAX.
In this episode we talk about the “social media world” and what it means for agents and how you can use it to thrive and stand out. Being authentic is one of the major platforms Virginia’s team is built on and you can see it come through in her passion for our industry and for her clients. She also shares how their team has build a solid pipeline of referrals from agents as well as from their database and what that means for their business.
If you like making money (and I know you do, or else you wouldn’t be following this podcast), then you won’t want to miss this episode.
Listen/Download Audio File Here:
The Niche Agent - With Guest Virginia Munden (Episode 21) The One About Facebook Referrals [ 33:40 ] Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (2108)
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Being Relevant, Authentic, Competent and Transparent in this ever – changing Real Estate Landscape, can be quite challenging.
Being true to your purpose and intention will guide you with your vision to serve people in their quest for Home Ownership. Meeting people on the On – Line Social Space is paramount and is considered a profitable stream in Geo – Farming or Lead Generation Strategies.
The key is how to take these relationships from the OLS, On – Line Space to OLR, Off – Line Reality to create, convert and close. Leads are not People, People are not Leads. Leads are Leads, People are People and Leads are just Opportunities waiting to be served!
36 Referrals from the On – Line Space, accounting for $362,000 in Commissions in 2013 is our greatest lead stream and we spent $0 in Newspaper Advertising. How’s that for Production & Profit, all while being of Service to People! We work in a great industry, PEOPLE come first!
If you would like to connect with Virginia and her team The Wayne Munden Team and find out what they are up to you can find them on some of these resources.
NorthOakvilleLiving.com – Local real estate site
WayneMunden.com – Resource website
WOMportunity.com – Woman in business
VirginiaMunden.com – Real estate mentorship, systems and trianing
To you and your niche,
Ryan Smith – The Niche Agent
(P.S. In case you haven’t got your copy yet, make sure you get your copy of the “101 Real Estate Niche Markets” eBook we created at www.TheNicheAgent.com/eBook )
(P.S.S. If you like this episode and would like to learn more about the Niche Agent or just stay on top of what is happening on the program, be sure to sign up for the Niche Agent Insiders club at www.TheNicheAgent.com/Insiders.)
Loved this podcast/interview! Thanks for sharing and taking the time!
June 3, 2014
Thank you for checking out the episode Krista! Glad to see you enjoyed it. Hope you check out the other episodes. Don’t forget to share the podcast with others.
Ryan Smith – The Niche Agent
June 4, 2014