Posts made in February, 2014

Unique Selling Proposition (USP) – What’s Yours?

Unique Selling Proposition (USP) – What’s Yours?

By on Feb 8, 2014 in Blog, Uncategorized | 0 comments

USP – Do You Stand Out?!   In the real estate world, you probably have all heard it. Unique Selling Proposition or USP. But have you ever actually put much thought into it? Have you developed a USP for your business?   If you plan on doing any niche marketing in real estate, you better not skip out on having a strong USP. This is what is going to differentiate you from your competition in the market place. Every agent, regardless if you focus on a niche,  should have a USP for their business or else they just become “another agent” and won’t be able to effectively show your worth to your clients.   So what is YOUR USP? Have you decide what makes you you?   Here are some areas you can focus on to help you get to the root of a strong USP for your niche real estate business (or just in general)…   Do you have extra industry Experience? Do you have a background in other industries? Do you carry and additional credentials? Do you have any additional certifications/qualifications? Do you do anything above and beyond the industry standard? Do you have an above average track record? Do you service any specific areas? Do you service any specific demographic/group? Do you have a service guarantee? Do you do anything proactively that others don’t?   Whatever your unique selling proposition is, you should be able to clearly state what differentiates you from the competition. If you don’t, someone else will.   Truly strong and effective USPs should become the single most compelling benefit you provide your clients. These are what are going to make clients sign the paper work with you and choose you, so make it good. So have you picked yet? One of the key things about a USP is to start early. The earlier you can get this narrowed down, the sooner you can start to set yourself apart from the competition. This will allow you to market yourself effectively and stand out from the crowd. Leave us a comment below and tell us about YOUR USP… We’d love to hear what our fans of The Niche Agent are working on.    ...

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The Niche Agent – With Guest Chuck Charlton (Episode 4)

The Niche Agent – With Guest Chuck Charlton (Episode 4)

By on Feb 3, 2014 in Podcast, Uncategorized | 2 comments

We want to welcome our next guest to The Niche Agent – Chuck Charlton of Royal LePage in Milton. Melissa And Chuck Charlton were born in the Greater Toronto area, got married in 2004, and moved out to Milton a year later. Not knowing anybody, and dipping $40,000 in debt to start their business in an area where they didn’t know a single person, they became an immediate success and paid off the loan by the end of the year. Since then, Melissa And Chuck Charlton have helped more than 1,200 people, and have become nationally recognized as teachers and leaders in the industry, guest speaking at events in Las Vegas, San Diego, Phoenix, Orlando and Toronto. Chuck is the host of a five-days-a-week listing review video blog called Milton Daily Homes, and he sends more than 2 million emails per year. The blog generates one to three new clients a week and a $15-to-1 return on each dollar spent on marketing. Chuck was a fantastic guest on The Niche Agent so check it out to learn some of the insider secrets Chuck and his team are using to take over his market. Listen/Download Audio File Here: The Niche Agent - With Guest Chuck Charlton (Episode 4) [ 36:44 ] Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (321) (To save, hit download, then right click on the screen and hit save as…) Watch The Youtube Version Here: You can connect with Melissa And Chuck Charlton on their website at   If you haen’t yet, be sure to get your copy of The Niche Agents eBook “101 Real Estate Niche Markets” at     To you and your niche,   Ryan Smith – The Niche Agent   (P.S. If you like this episode and would like to learn more about the Niche Agent or just stay on top of what is happening on the program, be sure to sign up for the Niche Agent Insiders club at (P.S.S. In case you haven’t got your copy yet, make sure you get your copy of the “101 Real Estate Niche Markets” eBook we created...

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